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SSL security

Dear Sir,

In the electronic commerce area, SSL indicats an important piece of
security work. I do appreciate it. Here I enclose my questions to the
SSL protocol. I send them to you because I couldn't find answers from
the FAQs of SSL.

1) The protocol specifies security enhanced communications between
a client and a merchant. From my understanding of the protocol
(version: RFC of Feb 9th 1995), the identity of the merchant is always
authenticated and that of the client is optionally authenticated.
Will this optional authentication of the client form a security
hole in that there are opportunities to masquerade a client? In the
attack analysis provided in Appendix D of the RFC, I cannot see you
have any analsis of this threat. Why not?

2) I assume that the protocol is proposed mainly for enhancing a web
browser into an electronic commerce tool (that's why I use "merchant"
instead of "server" as you phrased). Thus, payment transactions are
inevitable. Has the protocol specified any mechanism to facilitate an
electronic payment transaction? Where? When I speak of electronic
payment transaction, I refer to the situation where the payer's
signature is not physical, but digital. We need the payer to sign a
payment order in order to prevent repudiation. How is this done in

3) Let me anticipate your answer to the last question in (2) to be:
"the optional authentication to the client (the payer in most cases)
requires (s)he to digitally sign a session key, ie, the so-called
client-write (=merchant-read) key, and then any payment order
encrypted by that key is bona fide." I answer my question this way
because SHTTP also *optionally* uses this solution. My problem with
such a "bona-fide-ness" is as follows: since the session key is
symmetric, the client can dispute (after a transaction) that it is the
merchant who has forged the payment order. The merchant can easily do
so, right?

4) Encryptions between a pair of client and merchant are chained by
a "sequence number". How many sequence numbers a client (a merchant)
should maintain? Will a web browser implemented this way have any
fault tolerance? Imagine a communication corruption; the result:
one party updated the sequence number while the other did not.
Will this be chaotic?

Please correct my misunderstanding. Many thanks!

With best regards,
Wenbo Mao
| Hewlett-Packard Labs | +44 (0)117 922 9528 (voice)            |
| Filton Road          | +44 (0)117 922 8924 (fax)              |
| Stoke Gifford        | Email:  wm@hplb.hpl.hp.com             |
| Bristol              | WWW URL: http://wenbomao.hpl.hp.com    |
| BS12 6QZ             | Privacy enhancement: get my public key |
| UK                   |    by finger wenbo@wenbomao.hpl.hp.com |